David Michael Beck

David has been a professional artist for over 53 years. Experienced in painted comic images which he produces for major comic book companies such as Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, Image and others. He has also produced illustrations for such notables as The American Medical Association, Boy Scouts of America, Walt Disney Productions, Anheuser-Bush, Playboy Enterprises, Hasbro Toys, Universal Pictures, Warner Cable, Pepsi-Cola, Coca-Cola, The Grammy Awards, Harper-Collins, The Grateful Dead and Warner Brothers among many others. In his recent forays into the comics field he has worked with Dark Horse Comics, Marvel Comics, Chaos! Comics, Top Cow Productions, and Image Publishing. His realistic paintings of SPIDER-MAN, THOR, LADY DEATH, the G.I. JOE characters, RED STAR, VAMPIRELLA, and George Lucas' STAR WARS Properties have earned him a large body of fans of both national and international acclaim. Recently David has been working with DC comics with the Jonah Hex Series. You can view his commission rates & commission examples by clicking the link below.


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David Michael Beck (penciller)
David Michael Beck (penciller)
David Michael Beck (penciller)
David Michael Beck (penciller)
David Michael Beck (penciller)