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1562 items found. Click the image or title below to view the artwork.
Poison Ivy
Paul Abrams (penciller)
Harley Quinn
Paul Abrams (penciller)
Paul Abrams (penciller)
Paul Abrams (penciller)
Paul Abrams (inker)
Mad Hatter
Ramona Fradon (penciller)
superman # 70
Glenn Whitmore (colorist)
Dan Jurgens (penciller)
Brett Breeding (inker)
Superman # 90
Glenn Whitmore (colorist)
Dan Jurgens (penciller)
Joe Rubinstein (inker)
Superman # 91
Glenn Whitmore (colorist)
Dan Jurgens (penciller)
Joe Rubinstein (inker)
Superman # 89
Glenn Whitmore (colorist)
Dan Jurgens (penciller)
Joe Rubinstein (inker)
Superman # 87
Glenn Whitmore (colorist)
Dan Jurgens (penciller)
Brett Breeding (inker)
Superman # 69
Glenn Whitmore (colorist)
Walt Simonson (penciller)
Denis Rodier (inker)
Superman # 56
Andy Kubert (penciller)
Andy Kubert (inker)
Glenn Whitmore (colorist)